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Millet Bread (Gluten-Free & Low FODMAP)

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9 dl Lukewarm water

2 tsp Apple cider vinegar

12g Dry Yeast

35g Whole Psyllium Husk

1/2 tsp Cardamom

3 tsp Salt

225g Wholegrain sorghum flour

125g Millet flour

100g Oatmeal flour

75g Whole-grain millet flakes

1 1/2 tbsp Coconut flour


Dry yeast, salt, spices, apple cider vinegar, and psyllium husk seeds with lukewarm water and stir. Add the rest of the ingredients.

Turn the mixer to a medium speed and mix until combined for five minutes. Continue for an additional 10 minutes at high speed. I recommend doing it longer if you have time because you can never have too much air in your bread.

Let the dough rise for 1 1/2 hours with a cloth over the bowl.

Heat the oven to 210 C.

Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface Form two pieces of bread and sprinkle flour on top. Make a pattern with a sharp knife of your choice – I like to put my signature on the bread.

Bake the bread for about 1 hour and 10/15 minutes. Let the bread cool down before cutting the bread.


Eat & Enjoy!

GRATIS Positiv Mindset Guide

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