
My Food Journey

My Food Journey

Follow the rules

I have always been a very dutiful person and have followed our official dietary recommendations for most of my adult life. But I was dissatisfied, and I battled with extreme bloating, indigestion and constant hunger. For as long as I can remember, I have eaten around five meals per day, which has worked great for me. I have focused on eating healthily with plenty of vegetables prepared and eaten in different ways.

Introduced to a new diet

About ten years ago, I heard about LCHF (low carb, high fat) from a friend and wanted to try it because I found it fascinating. At that time, I was mainly eating vegetables and meat. The transition to LCHF wasn’t that hard. I tried LCHF for over a year, which helped my constant hunger but was difficult because of the high amount of fat you have to eat. My stomach couldn’t handle it. Therefore, I had to stop and go back to almost how I originally ate, except I left gluten and lactose out this time. I felt better that way and had a feeling I was sensitive to both of them.


My GP tested me to see if I had gluten or lactose allergies, but luckily I didn’t. I was happy, but unfortunately, I still didn’t feel great. So, what could it be? After some time, I contacted a private clinic in Denmark and retook the tests. The trial result showed that I was sensitive to gluten and couldn’t handle too much lactose.

A new beginning

Things started to make sense for me, but I still didn’t feel great. At one point, my GP told me to try Low fodmap (LFM), and things started to work for me. I haven’t felt better in a long time and was surprised by how great I could handle it. It was amazing. I am still eating LFM today and am satisfied. It has taken a long time to get where I am, but it is worth it!

Click the following link if you want to know more:

My Low fodmap story

Explanation about IBS & LFM

Low Carb High Fat

Low Fodmap

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