
The Best Gluten-Free Burger Buns

The Best Gluten-Free Burger Buns. I have been taking online courses in gluten-free baking, which has been fantastic, and I learned a lot. I enjoy learning new ways to bake excellent bread. My experience from these courses, reading recipe books and general research have taught me a lot.

The next step is to go into the kitchen and challenge me to try different methods. Some turned out better than others. For every attempt, I learn something new.

The Best Gluten-Free Burger Buns has a great texture and taste. The bread keeps moist and is still fresh the day after. I usually put them in the freezer when I bake them and take them whenever I need some for dinner. Everyone in the family liked the burger bun, and they are also suitable for breakfast.

The Best Gluten-Free Burger Buns have a great texture and taste, and the bread keeps moist and is still fresh the day after. I usually put them in the freezer when I bake them and take them whenever I need some for dinner. Everyone in the family liked the burger bun, which is also suitable for breakfast.


The Best Gluten-Free Burger Buns

These are the Best Gluten-Free Burger Buns, which have a great texture and taste.

  • Author: RauJensen
  • Yield: 12 1x
  • Category: Bread
  • Diet: Gluten Free



8 dl lukewarm water

8g Dry yeast

2 tsp Apple cider vinegar

1 tbsp Maple syrup

45g Psyllium husk seeds 

30g Sunflower oil

3 tsp Salt

0.5 tsp Cardamom

0.5 tsp Oregano

175g Wholegrain rice flour

150g Sorghum flour

150g Oatmeal flour

50g Potato starch


Combine dry yeast, salt, spices, apple cider vinegar, oil and psyllium husk seeds with lukewarm water and stir. Add the rest of the ingredients.

Turn the mixer to a medium speed and mix until combined for five minutes. Continue for an additional 10 minutes at high speed. I recommend doing it longer if you have time because you can never have too much air in your bread.

Turn the dough out onto an oiled surface. Roll the dough and cut it into 12-14 pieces (depending on what size you like). My daughter loves mini burger buns.  <br>If the mixture is too sticky, take some oil on your hands. Form each part round and give a light press to get a little flat burger bun.

Place them on a baking sheet and rise for about 45 minutes with a cloth.

Heat the oven to 230C and bake the bread for 18-20 minutes, depending on the size you make.

Serve the burger bun with your favorite toppings and meat.


Eat & Enjoy!

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