Danish Lemon Moon Cake (Low FODMAP & Gluten-Free)

A lemon cake has always been one of my favourite cakes! This Danish Lemon Moon Cake is fantastic and packed with many lemons. You can use the cake for all sorts of occasions, plus it’s straightforward to make. I have tried to make the cake LFM & GF for a long time with less sugar, […]
Chocolate Buttery Cookies (Gluten-Free & Low FODMAP)

These Buttery Chocolate cookies are soft and very dense in the middle, which is how I like cookies the best. The Cookies are perfect for serving as a treat on the weekend or if you get friends & family over. Furthermore, the recipe is super easy and quick to make, so you can let the […]
Christmas Oatmeal Balls

Havregrynskugler in Danish Christmas Oatmeal Balls are in Danish called havregrynskugler and remind me of my childhood when I lived at home. We made them often as a nice treat on weekends. I remember mixing the dough in our kitchen with my two sisters. We got covered in chocolate, and I always had to do a manicure […]
Danish Rice Dessert With Cream & Macadamia

Danish Rice Dessert With Cream & Macadamia is a delicious dessert with vanilla, macadamia nuts, whipped cream, strawberry, or cherry sauce. It is super delicious and tastes fabulous; perfect ending for the Christmas dinner! Originally Rice a la mande to a Low FODMAP friendly Rice Macadamia This is a traditional recipe for a Danish Rice […]
Christmas Rice Pudding

Christmas Rice Pudding is a traditional recipe for Danish Rice Pudding, also known as risengrød. The recipe is brilliant if you are looking for a very traditional Danish Christmas food or want to try something new this year. I recommend you try this! If you think this sounds wonderful, but you don’t have time to […]
Pumpkin Muffins (Gluten-Free & Low FODMAP)

Pumpkin Muffins (Gluten-Free & Low FODMAP) These are Pumpkin Muffins (Gluten-Free & Low FODMAP). The muffins are moist, have great texture and have many spices too. Prepare yourself! You are about to fall in love with the intense, savoury flavours of these Low FODMAP Muffins with pumpkin and orange. Trust me! Convert recipe to be […]
Lemon Peppernuts With A Twist (Gluten-Free & Low FODMAP)

Lemon Peppernuts With A Twist. Peppernuts, also called pebernødder in Danish, is a traditional Christmas cookie. They are small and tasty, and lemon Peppernuts with a Twist are crispy and delicious. The peppernuts are quick and easy to make, and the whole family can join in.Do you think it sounds lovely but don’t have time […]
Chocolate Cake With Zucchini (Low FODMAP & Gluten-Free)

Chocolate Cake With Zucchini (Low FODMAP And Gluten-Free) is yummy and delicious. It’s so good, and I recommend you try it! I haven’t had a chocolate cake this good in years. I completely forgot how delicious a chocolate cake could be. This is a cake I will make again and again! A bonus is that […]
Banana Muffins (Gluten-Free & Low FODMAP)

These banana muffins with dark chocolate are moist inside with crispy edges. Perfect for a sweet treat or dessert. You can never go wrong using bananas and chocolate in a cake. For me, it is a total win, win. I used unripe bananas for banana muffins, as I didn’t want the cupcakes too sweet. When […]
Chocolate Chip Cookies (Gluten-Free & Low FODMAP)

This Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe is simple, straightforward and delicious. The cookies turn out perfectly every single time and are full of taste. We love the cookies in our family.